Wednesday, 18 April 2012


SSTAG is the newly formed Social Security and Tenants' Action Group.

It is picking up where STAG (States Tenants' Action Group for Jersey) left off and will soon be appointing a Committee under a totally new Constitution.

This is our temporary blog site until a proper Website can be established.

SSTAG has been formed to deal with Social Security and Health/welfare issues  besides ALL tenants - whether in States or private housing or lodgings - and will be researching,lobbying,publishing information and advising on a very wide range of matters.

The Jersey government is planning major reforms in all areas based upon the central CSR (Comprehensive Spending Review) cuts which are seeking to reduce States spending by £65millions and more.

Social Security,Housing and Health are being especially targetted by the government to be reformed. Everybody in Jersey will be affected but the burden will fall upon the least well off and those with long term sickness or disabilities.

But we stress that EVERYBODY will be affected so we expect to be lobbying and advising on such matters as pensions or dental care and doctors' charges too because these are all interlinked with our primary SSTAG remit.

All these matters are evermore complicated. It is no longer,for example,just about Rent Rebates or dealing with one Housing Department.
Now individuals have to seek Income Support through Social Security with a myriad of component parts based upon the concept of "the household".

There is now a common "gateway" system in operation for all applicants seeking to be housed by the States,Trusts or the Parishes but who knows how it works or whether it is fair?

Later this year, far reaching new laws will be introduced to Jersey to control all housing and job opportunities in conjunction with ID cards and a Register of ALL people in the Island.
It is planned to scrap the Housing Department and form new agencies to deal with the provision and management of all so called 'social housing'.
It  is proposed to increase States rents by up to 40% over a period of years.

It is already often difficult to discover what benefits might be claimed or what tenancy rights exist or how a "means test" shall be applied.
SSTAG will attempt to address all such issues and call upon people (including States Members) who have specialist knowledge and understanding to advise and help.

We are not just here to complain.We are a self-help and lobbying group and will offer a service that does not exist at the present time.

We need YOUR support and participation and we shall also need practical and financial assistance.

You can contact us by leaving a comment here
Acting Chair Denise Carroll on 01534 876727 email.
Mike Dun (Information Officer) on 01534 86292   email:

Two interviews above with Deputy Green, the Jersey Housing Minister following the launch of the White
"Achieving Decent Homes: An Affordable Housing Framework for the Future" April 2012
Thanks Ian for help with spacing!                                      


  1. lets all hope that sstag do more for everybody who need such help.unlike the high rise panel who do nothing unless it comes with a free lunch.

  2. If we get the support we will certainly try.

  3. Why is there a charge of £5 to join SSTAG?

  4. SSTAG says
    There is no charge for unwaged people. It is £5 for those waged which is simply to raise some money towards printing, postage, paper, hire of halls etc etc. The more people who join and give active support will reduce expenses and make this group a success. See you on May 10th anon?

  5. how many turned up i would have gone but busy.any feedback.

  6. and still no info of what was said at the meeting or how many turned up if your not going to keep people informed why bother at all.
