Wednesday, 25 April 2012

SSTAG meetings

       SSTAG will be holding a meeting on THURSDAY 10th MAY 2012
       at ST PAUL'S CENTRE 6.45pm to elect committee  7pm open meeting.

      If you are keen to become involved find out more by joining us or contact
                           Telephone 01534 862929 or 876727


  1. Jersey Housing Transformation3 May 2012 at 04:39

    We'd like to hear your views about social housing in Jersey. If you are interested in commenting on any aspect of the housing transformation consultation, please join our Facebook group at

  2. SSTAG says
    Thanks for drawing this Jersey Housing Transformation site on Facebook to our attention. It looks very interesting and we will be commenting after 10 May but in the meantime we would urge anybody to have a look and participate in the discussion.
