SSTAG Social Security and Tenants’ Action Group
SSTAG is a new and improved STAG (the former States Tenants’ Action Group)
but with much wider terms of reference and interests.
SSTAG is now concerned with ;
SOCIAL SECURITY issues for ALL claimants, employees or pensioners
ALL TENANTS – whether in public or private accommodation and lodgings
HEALTH related welfare issues
We are a self help and lobbying group set up to challenge such policies as ;
The 20% - 40% rent increases of the States Housing Department
The devaluing of retirement pensions
Ever increasing doctors and dental charges
A witch-hunt against income support claimants
We support a fairer society where welfare support is available to those in need - as of right - not on a charitable, discretionary basis.
We believe that the dignity of ALL people in Jersey should be respected
This year (2012), immense changes are planned in Jersey to control housing, work and immigration opportunities.
A Population Register will be compiled in December this year and Identity (ID) Cards with details of work and housing status for ALL residents will be issued.
These new and far reaching controls will be administered by a new section under the Chief Minister’s control. The Housing Department will be replaced by an Association.
Employment opportunities for some existing and potential residents will be restricted.
At the same time, anti-discrimination laws are promised to be approved this year so that greater equality of opportunity can be achieved for ALL residents of Jersey .
SSTAG will seek to monitor the new policies as they develop, to publish information and lobby if and when changes are seen to be necessary.
Contacts :
Denise Carroll MBE (Acting Chair) 15 Le Clos St Andre, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3JH tel 01534 876727
Mike Dun (Information Officer) 208 Le Marais, St Clement JE2 6GG tel 01534 862929
Temporary blogsite SSTAG SSTAG website is under construction
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